Miners Give Back


Miners Give Back (MGB)  is committed to supporting community service and/or other humanitarian outreach activities.

The SME Foundation (SMEF) presents the Miners Give Back Award for the recognition of SME Section community service and humanitarian outreach. The Miners Give Back Award program promotes community service and humanitarian outreach initiatives by SME Sections within their communities and facilitates networking between Sections. 


This award recognizes the outstanding efforts of an SME Section for their accomplishments in community service and humanitarian outreach to serve the mission of Miners Give Back. The mission of MGB is to support world-wide initiatives focused on humanitarian efforts that tangibly improved the lives of individuals and inspired a commitment to give back to the local community.

Congratulations to the winners of the
2023 Miners Give Back Award:

The Colorado Section of SME 

This award recognizes the Colorado Section of SME for their leadership and participation in two environmental restoration projects with the Jefferson County Open Space community: a 22-mile cleanup of the Peaks to Plains Trail on September 24, 2022, and the annual Earth Day volunteer project at Welchester Tree Grant Park on April 22, 2023.   

Richard Schwering, the Colorado Section of SME Programs Chair, accepted
the award from SMEF President Tom Rauch at the 
2024 SME Foundation Gala Dinner in Phoenix, AZ.


How to Apply for the 2024 Miners Give Back Award

1. Serve: Complete your Outreach Project between January 2023 - March 2024
2. Apply: April 1, 2024 - June 1, 2024.  APPLICATIONS ARE CLOSED
3. Celebrate:  Award ceremony at the 2025 SME Foundation Annual Gala Dinner at the SME Annual Conference & Expo.

Learn More About the Miners Give Back Award